Be careful, and be patient on this kill: There are two key spells you will need on this one: Curse of Agony and Fear. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Pluuf. They delight in inflicting suffering, spreading corruption, and, of course, destroying all that is good.

FINALLY HS BACK TO LOCH MODAN AND DO OL’ SOOTY AND THE AND YOU’RE 20. (try to complete croc meat + skins during the first timer, if you dont have time, we do it later). It was given as a level 3 solo and the area is full of aggressive level 4. I suggest using your imp for the stamina buff, for you might need extra mana via lifetap later if you wish to use corruption as well.

They exploit p… Warlocks are the most volatile and insatiable of spellcasters. Fear, Howl of Terror, and Death Coil are you primary control spells.

– get 4/4 boar meat and the bear fur as a priority as it opens up evershine chain – ammo for rumbleshot – grizzled den – unstuck skip – hand in – head to brewnall – start farming the kill quest while pathing north – do gnomer skip () – pick up wetlands FP and HS back to kharanos – hand in bitter rivals and do that chain – pick up operation recombobulation + explore frostmane hold quest – go up the mountain to complete shimmerweed – get kill quest mobs on the way from shimmerweed to Operation recombobulation – hand in at brewnall If level 8 pick up quest in brewnall – Explore frostmane hold (You can explore before or after stolen meats, maybe unstuck from cave is faster if you do stolen meats first) – do stolen meats then unstuck skip to kharanos or run back to brewnall if now 8 then skip *this shouldn’t be the case* – hand in quests – If possible kill vagash at 8 (Risky on P servers, probably doable solo at 8 on classic) – quarry will get you to level 9 and a half or 10 – hand in south tunnel chain – head to Loch modan (if 10 you can do the trogg quest here but typically i’m not 10 (however we do grizzled den and ammo for rumbleshot in this path which might bump our XP up).